Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Introduction

My name is Brianna I am 23 going on 30! I got pregnant with my 1st daughter in January of 06' followed by a brief wedding to my amazing husband in March of 06'. When our daughter Lillian Elizabeth turned 1 in October of 07', we discussed having another baby and got pregnant 4 months later with another daughter Sophia Victoria who was born in Aug of 08'.... When Sophia was just 9 weeks old we conceived AGAIN! This time carrying a BOY! Bradley Alcos is due on my birthday, July 4th 2009. I am almost there!

I can't believe how much I have gone through from the time I turned just 20 until now, almost 24. It's been such a short time but seems like a lifetime. It "seems" like I have basically been pregnant for 3 years straight! Its been trying on my body, my friendships, my relationships with family. The only relationship not strained from this caios is the one I share with my husband Timothy. We knew we were taking a HUGE leap of faith in begining this family that we admire and love so much. Knowing one another less than a year before getting pregnant and married, we really had to put all of our faith in Jesus to get us through. Because we have trusted Him, He has fully blessed our marriage in many ways. Things I never thought a man could be, Timothy is. I am truely grateful always!

So for my Blog Wifehood & Motherhood I plan to randomly share my many thoughts and feelings, joys and downfalls of being a Wife and a Mother, hoping that this will give me a place to vent and to share with family, friends, strangers, and whoever wants to listen and or share in return! Anything GOES!

Brianna :)